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Coquerel sifaka

看完 The link : Uncovering the earliest our acestor,  使我對Lemur 發生勁大興趣,  上網看了一下資料. 
我們的 Evolution tree 原來是這樣的:


在 Prosimians 下 的 Coquerel Sifakas ( Lemurs), Tarsiers  同Lorises 是我暫時覺得最可愛的, 所以要來紀錄一下:
Coquerel Sifakas ( Lemurs) :
414044907_b3519c36a0_o Coquerels-Sifaka-4827
Coquerels-Sifaka-5753 dancing-sifaka-madagascar lemurs-live-in-madagascar-4

Key Facts
Adult Size : 7.3 - 9.9 pounds
Social life : Sociable, small family groups of 3 - 10 animals of varying ages
Habitat : northwestern dry deciduous forest
Diet : young leaves, flowers, fruit, bark and dead wood in the wet season, mature leaves and buds in the dry season
Lifespan : 25 - 30 years
Sexual maturity : 2 - 3 years
Mating : very seasonal, January - February in the wild
Gestation : approximately 162 days, infants are born between June and July in the wild
Number of young : one per year
DLC Naming theme : Roman Emperors (Julian, Marcella, Nigel, etc.)
Malagasy names : Tsibahaka, Sifaka, Ankomba Malandy
Interesting Facts
  • The Malagasy name 'sifaka' comes from the distinct call this animal makes: "shif - auk".
  • The DLC houses the only breeding colony of Coquerel's sifaka.
  • Our very own Jovian, a young male Coquerel's sifaka, is the star of the children's television show, Zoboomafoo.

to be continued………………………………

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