I AM AN ATHEIST. If you are a scientist you are implicitly an atheist. Anyone that claims to be a scientist and at the same time believes in any religion is either a fraud, a criminal, or a mental retard.

Secret Files Of The Inquisition-3


Lost Worlds - The War On Ideas - This episode looks at how the decadence of a Medici Pope in Rome outrages Martin Luther, a devout priest in Germany. In the face of the Protestant Reformation, a fanatical monk sets out to obliterate the heresy. On his path to power he will create the Roman Inquisition and become the most hated Pope in history. Powerful leaders of the Catholic Church are arrested and imprisoned, accused of reading books banned by the Church. Free-thinking students are silenced and the Roman Inquisition will leave a legacy that lasts into the 20th century. (From the UK, in English) (Documentary Series) (Part 3 of 4) (Rpt) PG CC WS


Episode Three - The War on Ideas
The decadence of a Medici Pope in Rome outrages Martin Luther, a devout priest in Germany. In the face of the Protestant Reformation, a fanatical monk sets out to obliterate the heresy. On his path to power he will create the Roman Inquisition and become the most hated Pope in history.  
Powerful leaders of the Catholic Church are arrested and imprisoned, accused of reading books banned by the Church. Free-thinking students are silenced. The Roman Inquisition will leave a legacy that lasts into the 20th century.





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