I AM AN ATHEIST. If you are a scientist you are implicitly an atheist. Anyone that claims to be a scientist and at the same time believes in any religion is either a fraud, a criminal, or a mental retard.


當有人反駁我這幾篇反宗教的文章的時候! 我倒很高興, 我希望他們能提出証據指出人類是上帝所製造的, 又或有上帝的存在, 又或聖經不是人寫的......等等!

在17/7/2008 晚上, 我看了ABC 的 A&Q 電視節目討論了, 因為最近的在悉尼的大型"World Youth Day", 教宗來到出巡,  神父孌童/強姦案的事件等等, 在城中熱爆了的話題! 


最吸引我的是 Mr. David Marr (An author, journalist and broadcaster) 和 Angela Shanahan (speciality is social and family affairs & She is a Catholic) 的言論了.   這些, 我要有時間才能節錄了, 但大家有興趣, 可以去以下看看:



With the pope in town and a record-breaking number of people attending masses around Sydney, punters will not be surprised that religion took centre stage in last night’s debate. The panellists (討論小組人員) faced a number of tricky questions about the role of faith in our society. Issues raised included the relationship between religion and science, paedophilia(孌童) and the church, the Catholic Church’s stance on **********ity (同性戀)and the place of religion in politics (if there is one). Punters had a range of views on the discussion. Some believed that certain panellists had conflated religion with compassion. Others wanted to see greater transparency when it came to the church’s internal investigation processes in dealing with allegations of child sex abuse by the clergy. Many were divided over the church’s refusal to accept gay Catholics, and wondered why secular governments begin parliament with the Lord’s Prayer. With ex-Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, on the panel there was also some discussion of foreign policy decisions made during the Howard era and much interest in Downer’s plans post-politics.


Q.  the relationship between religion and science.  宗教與科學的關係.

A.  宗教是一些神話, 一些由人創作出來的人物小說.  以宣傳信念來規限人類道德行為思想.

     科學是要有事實証據, 是要有跡可尋, 是要實驗辨証, 是要講求邏輯推論, 不可天馬行空.

Q. the Catholic Church’s stance on **********ity & many were divided over the church’s refusal to accept gay Catholics  為何同性戀者不可參加彌撒不可為教徒, 被教會拒諸門外呢?

A. 如果是由上帝創造了人類, 即同性戀者都是他的傑作吧????  為什麼會被教會拒諸門外?

     難道你可以說同性戀者是上帝製造出來懲罰現世紀人類的性愛氾濫嗎(我真聽過有人這樣說的!)?  如果真如此, 那豈不更攪笑??? 這樣的上帝恐怕是魔吧!!!! 

     (這點討論, 在討論會上更是精.....)

Q. the place of religion in politics (if there is one) & wondered why secular governments begin parliament with the Lord’s Prayer 澳洲聲稱自己是,非宗教政府, 為何在議會前必須祈禱?

A. 宗教入侵政治, 那不單只是澳洲, 在美國是最鮮明不過了.  我亦不久前聽了電台廣播, 講及了這在美的事實.

Q. paedophilia and the church & Others wanted to see greater transparency when it came to the church’s internal investigation processes in dealing with allegations of child sex abuse by the clergy.  對於教會內部調查, 發生在神職人員上的孌童 / 強姦 案, 要求透明度!

A. 在這些神職人員標榜著他們的聖潔操守時, 我們將深愛的孩童交付到他們身上!  那些受害人, 被教會隱瞞事情的真相而做成的長期折磨!!!


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